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Lock Failed: Current document is locked for editing by another user

When attempting to open a document in the Integra for Notes database, you may be faced with the following warning message: "Lock failed: Current document is locked for editing by another user!"

This error usually occurs following a crash of the Lotus Notes client while running Integra for Notes and is caused by a document lock still being in force in the database, Integra having not been able to unlock the document due to the crash.

A manual procedure exists for users allocated the Admin role to the Integra for Notes database to allow removal of such a lock for . To unlock the document:
  1. Open the Integra for Notes database
  2. Select the Actions Menu option of Lotus Notes
  3. Select the sub-option called Administration->Open Locking List. The user is then shown the locked document within a view
  4. Select the Un-lock (Remove from Folder) action button.


FAQ# 0079
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