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Error: "field is too large 32K or View's column & selection formulas are too large"

An error stating "field is too large 32 K or View's column & selection formulas are too large" sometimes occurs either when opening the Integra for Notes database or when replicating the database. This occurs when operating on a Domino 5.x server or Lotus Notes 5.x client.

Cause of Error
    The error occurs because of a wrong ODS (On Disk Structure) of the Integra for Notes template (intega.ntf).

    The ODS is the format used for the storage of files in the Domino/Notes environment. Although ODS 41 was introduced in Domino/Notes 5.x replacing the old ODS 20 format, when storing a template on a Domino server or a Notes client, by default this is still created using the ODS 20 format.

    The ODS 20 format has limits with regards to the rich text paragraph size of documents as well as of design elements. There is also a limit with regards to view column and selection formulae, though the latter is not the cause of the problem (despite the error message). The Integra for Notes template does contain some design elements that exceed the 32K limit for single paragraphs found in ODS 20 and it also contains some documents that contain rich text which exceed this limit.

    When you create a replica of the Integra template installed on your local workstation onto the Domino server (using the default .NTF extension) then the ODS 41 format used for the Integra template (as shipped) is automatically changed by Notes to the ODS 20 format on the server replica. That in turn corrupts the template on the server. Once the Integra database design is refreshed from the corrupted template, then the Integra database also becomes corrupted. This corruption effects profiles modified after the corruption and as a result the error message identified above are experienced.

    The Integra for Notes template is shipped using the ODS 41 format (so as to maintain compatibility with users of Domino/Notes 5.x. The installation instructions specify that the Integra template should be stored on your local workstation and the new Integra database created from the template should be created from the template stored locally. This procedure is specifically intended to avoid the template changing to an ODS 20 format when deployed onto the Domino server.

    Unlike the situation with a template, when a Notes database (.NSF) is created on a Domino server in Domino/Notes 5.x, this is created using the correct ODS 41 format.

    Another possible cause for this corruption is the creation of a copy of the original template (File->Database->Create Copy) onto the server. This method will also create a corrupted new copy of the template.

    You can check the ODS format of a database or template by opening the Database Properties of the database and clicking in the Info tab.

Resolution of the problem
    To fix the problem do the following:
    1. Remove any Integra templates from the Domino server
    2. Download the latest template from our website ( to make sure that you are using a template with ODS 41 format.
    3. Install the Integra template on a local workstation. Do NOT create a template replica on the server.
    4. Refresh the design of your Integra database from the local template.
    5. Check that the ODS of your Integra database is a minimum of ODS 41 (or ODS 43 in case you're running Notes/Domino 6 meanwhile). You can check the ODS format of a database or template by opening the Database Properties of the database and clicking in the Info tab.
    6. If the database is not ODS 41 or greater, create a new Integra database from the template and copy and paste the old profiles into the new Integra database. Scrap the old Integra database and send users the SmartIcon installation for the new Integra database.

    This procedure will not fix profiles which had been previously corrupted. These profiles might need to be recreated.


FAQ# 0030
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