Maximum allowable documents exceeded for a temporary index
The screen shot below shows an error message received using one of the Integra for Domino Admin reports. However, it relates to all profiles created with Integra which use Integra's filtering feature or like in this particular case use advanced script which in turn contains code that uses for instance the NotesDatabase.FTSearch() method.
What is a temporary index and why does the error occur?
A temporary index is a full text index that is created "on the fly" when needed by functions that need to operate on a full-text-indexed database when the database is not full text indexed. The index is created, used, and then destroyed. There is a limit of 1000 documents per temporary index in Domino R5. The error message is sent from the Full Text code when this limit has been reached.
In Notes/Domino 6.x, the restriction of documents allowed per temporary index is 5000. However, unlike in R5, this number can be overridden via the following Notes.ini parameter:
TEMP_INDEX_MAX_DOC=<some number>
NOTE: The TEMP_INDEX_MAX_DOC=<some number> setting applies only to the server's Notes.ini (this is a server-side problem).
To use the Temp_Index_Max_Doc setting for an agent running on a server, you must also use the FT_Max_Search_Results setting and specify the same value for both Notes.ini parameters.
An additional workaround would be to create a full text index for the database, especially if the error is seen with any regularity.
See also: Maximum of 5000 documents exported by Integra |
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FAQ# 0082
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